May 1 - June 9, 2024


Adalbertstrafle 44, 80799 Munich

LOTTO for ALL - the redistribution office

Money makes you happy - get your bills written!

You have too little money? Your rent is too high? The cost of living is too expensive? Do you earn too little and need capital? Or do you simply want to do something about inequality?

More and more people are plagued by existential worries. On the other hand, there have never been so many extremely rich people.

From May 1 to June 9, 2024, a redistribution office will be set up in the super+ CENTERCOURT art space at Adalbertstrasse 44 in Schwabing, Munich: LOTTO for ALL.

Visitors can have bills written there for things that bother them. For example, if your rent is too expensive, LOTTO für ALLE will write an invoice for you, for example to your landlord or to the city administration, the Bavarian state government or the federal government. Or: anyone who feels that democracy and its pluralistic diversity of opinion is dwindling can also be billed. In consultations, the personal life situation is analyzed and the resulting burdens are turned into bills. LOTTO für ALLE writes invoices for all people and for every concern and also tries to collect these debts.

On the evenings of the opening days*, interviews with participants and experts will be broadcast from the shop windows onto the street. Each event starts at 7 pm.

My first guests are:

Thu, May 2: Nicole Gohlke, Member of the Bundestag - Spokeswoman for Education and Science for Die Linke in the Bundestag

Fri, May 3: Stefan Jagel - Spokesperson for the Left Party in Munich City Council

Sat, May 4: Dr. Dr. Gerhard Beisenherz - Lawyer & Sociologist

Thu, May 9: Doris Rauscher, MdL (SPD) - Chairwoman of the Social Affairs Committee in the Bavarian State Parliament

Fri, May 10: Edina Stiegeler - youngcaritas Munich project worker

Thu, May 16, 5 p.m.: Angela Lutz-Plank, Geschäftsführerin DMB Mieterverein München e.V.

Thu, May 16, 7 p.m.: Sabine Ruchlinski - Managing Director of KulturRaum München

Fri, May 17: Gabi Blum - Artist, curator, activist & Chairwoman of the Social Fund of the BBK Munich and Upper Bavaria

Thu, May 23: Anja Sauer - First board member and initiator of Aktion Brücke e.V./Help for the Homeless

Fri, May 24: Pierre-Yves Pastyik - Money researcher

Sat, May 25: Verena Frensch - artist, activist, affected person & coach

Fri, June 7: SPECIAL: about the new money - If we don't change the system from below, then from above with Verena Frensch

Beforehand, at 6.30 pm, there will be a lottery draw in which every lottery ticket filled in on the day wins - because you don't have to have picked the right numbers. Everyone gets their stake back. The game demonstrates the absurdity of money flows.

Remember: the gap is growing! And: only money is systemically relevant.

*Opening hours are Thursday - Saturday from 2 to 7 pm.

Opening: May 1, 2024, 6 p.m.